In January 2, 1890, the Averofeio School of Metsovo opened thanks to a donation from Georgios Averoff. The school was burnt down during the Civil War in October 1947 and the current Primary School was built in its place in 1955 (by the Tossizza Foundation).

The two-storey Averofeio School of Metsovo with its pupils and teachers, in 1890. (Archive of G. Plataris-Tzimas)
Georgios Averoff was born in Metsovo in 1815. At the age of 19, he went to Egypt where he amassed a huge fortune from the trade of dates, fabrics, cotton, etc. Averoff was recognised as a great benefactor because his donations led to the construction of a number of projects in Athens, as well as a number in Metsovo and the Greek community of Egypt. It was with his money that the Panathenaic Stadium received a new marble facing, the Hellenic Army Academy was erected, the statues of Rigas Feraios and Patriarch Gregorios V were made and set at the central building (Propylaea) of the University of Athens and the famous Averoff battleship was manufactured. He died in Alexandria, Egypt, in 1899. His statue is located at the entrance of the Panathenaic Stadium.