Online Collection Categories Woven

Woven material consisting of three sheets. The middle one is 61cm wide, crafted with uniform warp and weft in dark blue color. The decoration refers to eastern weaving. The pointed arch dominates the decorated surface. Portrayed below is the tree of life surrounded by roses. On its base, the bride and groom are depicted on horses, positioned face-to-face on top of a small tree of life. The centre of the vertical axis of the decoration is dominated by a diamond-shaped design with a two-headed eagle in its centre. The decoration is complemented by animals, possibly sheep, with alternating human figures and animals at its base.

Woven blanket (khrami) for narrow built-in sofa, consisting of three sheets with especially frugal decoration. The central sheet, the plain, is in bright red color and decorated with spaced stylized motifs, such as the snail and the tortoise. The two narrow side sheets are in dark bleu warp, dominated by the two-headed eagle motif in golden yellow, dark red and blue colors.

Woven blanket (khrami) for built-in sofa, consisting of two sheets. Its surface is covered by whitish and burgundy mice, placed diagonally, evolving on dark blue background. The decoration is framed by grey thorns as inward edging; two-headed eagles of alternating color evolve to a parallel direction towards the decoration. With zigzag edging of repeating mug motifs evolving on burgundy background.

Fireplace decorative hanging woven material (boucharopodia) consisting of three sheets, of uneven edges. The horizontal structure of decoration divides into two zones, a red and a blue one, with a distinct scale, the arch, whose outline is emphasized by the use of green and white colors. The upper part is dominated by anthropomorphic (grandfather, evzone) and zoomorphic motifs (face-to-face pairs of animals), as well as a number of smaller geometric, patterns crafted in red, yellow, blue, green, black and white. The central decoration motif consists of the Achelous River (or aspropotamos [white river]) together with four snakes and a series of supplementary geometric elements, such as the diamond and the mug, as well as anthropomorphic elements (such as the grandfather) and zoomorphic motifs (such as the horse, the eagle, etc.).

Woven rug consisting of five same-width sheets, sewn together. The two narrow outer sheets are woven in red warp, while the remaining rug is in dark blue warp. The plain, the central part of decoration, is dominated by the tree of life. The main element of decoration is framed by three successive edgings, one with petedes (diamonds), alternating with hands and flower pots. The second edging is with mice and the third, outer one is on red background, framing the rug with diamonds and flower pots with coffee pot, a motif formed by five inverted triangles. With all-around serrated edging.

Woven rug consisting of five same-width sheets, sewn together. The plain, the central part of decoration, is formed by three upright sheets dominated by the tree of life. The main element of decoration is framed by edgings of triangle motifs with thorns, followed by a second edging with diamonds and roses. The decoration is complemented by yet another inward chainlike edging (roumbeoulo). The outward edging is of alternating motifs of boy and hand with apple. With zigzag edge at the ending.

Cushion with plain (central decoration) in green warp, decorated with the distinctive Metsovo pattern, the Achelous River (or aspropotamos [white river]), as well as with a rhombus formed by four snakes; the rhombus has 12 wings, two inside the central diamond and another 10 symmetrically framing the diamond. Achelous river is framed by two stylized recurring items, illustrating the chiavra pattern. Striped back side.

Oblong woven cushion for built-in sofa. In the plain, the central part of decoration, three large rhombus-shaped patterns of serrated outline evolve on red background, surrounded by six smaller ones. Wide edging on dark blue background with repeating colored geometric patterns evolves all around the plain.

Oblong padded cushion for built-in sofa. The central piece of decoration, the plain, is crafted in dark red warp, with its centre dominated by the typical Metsovo motif, the Achelous River (or aspropotamos [white river]), framed by four uniform patterns, the so-called chiavra. With chainlike edge on red background all around.

Woven material on white background, decorated in a similar way as the fireplace decorative hanging woven material (boucharopodia). A toothed arch divides the central sheet into two parts, dominated by the Achelous River pattern (spoiled in this specific rug). The decoration is complemented by a series of colorful supplementary motifs, such as roses, flower pots, cherries and diamonds. With tied-off fringe tassels at both ends.