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Part of velentza rug (of the so-called barren type). It is a woven blanket used in winter as a cover for built-in sofas. The item has been extensively pounded during fulling. It is called “barren” owing to the lack of thick nap other blankets usually have. Black wool yarn has been used in the warp. The narrow sides of the plain (or, the central piece of decoration) consists of brick red strips dominated by the mug motif. Chainlike edge delimits the plain on black background on which evolve typical motifs used in Metsovo velentza rugs, such as apples and stools.

Woven material consisting of three sheets of equal length but of different width, sewn together. The plain, or the central piece of decoration, consists of rows of stylized motifs. Wide edging with floral motifs evolves all around the plain. Outward edging with zigzag marks the edge of the woven fabric. With fringed decoration at the ends.