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Khrami blanket consisting of six sheets sewn together. The main decorative element is a large diamond (petes), surrounded by four smaller-sized diamond patterns. The rest of the decoration is composed by 27 alternating rows of smaller-sized patterns, of which 14 are with small diamonds and 13 with floral motifs. Each of the rug’s four corners features a triangle with red plain, adorned with small diamond and flowers. With all-around zigzag edging and a repeating edging with diamonds.

Woven material on white background, decorated in a similar way as the fireplace decorative hanging woven material (boucharopodia). A toothed arch divides the central sheet into two parts, dominated by the Achelous River pattern (spoiled in this specific rug). The decoration is complemented by a series of colorful supplementary motifs, such as roses, flower pots, cherries and diamonds. With tied-off fringe tassels at both ends.