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Oblong padded cushion for built-in sofa. The central decoration, or the plain, evolves on dark blue background dominated by the Achelous River (or aspropotamos [white river]) motif. The plain is framed by toothed edging in white. With all-around wide edging on red background with repeating colored geometric patterns.
Woven blanket (khrami) for narrow built-in sofa, consisting of three sheets with especially frugal decoration. The central sheet, the plain, is in bright red color, decorated with spaced stylized motifs, such as the snail and the tortoise. The two narrow side sheets are in dark bleu warp, dominated by the two-headed eagle motif in golden yellow, dark red and blue colors.
From Pesaro, Italy; usually with inscription with piece in verse. The front side is decorated with two-headed eagle. The inscription reads: “δια δόρον… πλούτος ή μέγας θησαυρός να κράξω την φιλίαν, Σφάλλω μεγάλως βέβαια αν καμνω αναλογίαν;” [for present… shall I call friendship wealth or great treasure, am I of course at great fault if I make comparison?]. Only half of the rim survives.
Woven material (boucharopodia) used as fireplace decoration. It consists of three sheets, the central and widest one and two narrower, crafted in dark blue warp. The central sheet is divided by an arch into two parts: the upper one, in red warp, and the lower one in dark blue warp. The predominant motif is the diamond (petes) with two-headed eagles, surrounded by a series of supplementary geometric motifs, such as hearts, grandfather, roses and stool in dark blue and green, red, light brown and golden colors. The keys pattern decorates the edge surrounding the wide central part of the boucharopodia.